Thursday, October 25, 2007

[Cherry] Ride Just Isn't That Into You

I took a few days off, but I'm back. (Thanks for noticing, jerks.)
My reasons for the break quite possibly may include one or more of the below factors:

  1. Forgot my log-in password
  2. Jesus told me to
  3. Sharting emergency
  4. Put in a corner (like Baby)
  5. Thrilling and electrifying collar poppin'
  6. Prolonged and exhilerating trannie vacation
  7. Still recovering from tragic and embarrassing (yet completely unsurprising) Cubs loss during playoffs
  8. Paul Poon
  9. Debilitating shame over my love for Martina McBride
  10. Dick Cheney
  11. Protesting Oracle’s bid for BEA Systemstake that Larry Ellison!
  12. Grueling Harpsichord lesson and competition schedule
  13. Arrest and subsequent incarceration for something my lawyer has advised me not to speak of until the lawsuit is settled
  14. Nightly, athletic and exhausting visits from a Succubus
  15. Hellen Mirren's boobs
  16. Extreme headband wearing
  17. Gender re-assignment surgery
  18. Gender re-assignment surgery gone awry
  19. Incapacitating hangovers
  20. Just couldn’t be bothered


ReckenRoll said...

Thank god. I was worried it was something I said.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Recken, that is actually reason #21.

5 of 9er said...

That Dick Cheney... with Paul Poon. No wonder why you've been M.I.A.

minijonb said...

collar poppin' will suck up all of your free time if you're not careful. welcome back.

blythe said...

shain is going to be so excited! calling him now...

Anonymous said...

Come on Cherry, the REAL truth is that you were drinking wine at an Irish pub and shopping endlessly for green clothes...heee ;).xo

Mr. Shain said...

i would have been excited a week ago, now i'm just over it.

Ms. Laaw-yuhr said...

The succubus ate my homework - now that's a novel excuse.

Airam said...

Those seem like damn good reasons to me. You were definitely missed though.

ridiculous said...

i noticed. i noticed!

Loaf said...

Of course you were missed, we were just speechless with disappointment!

All good reasons, although surely hangovers and Helen Mirren's boobs are something worth writing about.

JulieGong said...

I'm going to go with all of the above.

Guilty Secret said...

It was definitely number 15. She told me all about it.

Ellen Aim said...

Hooray, you're back!

At least if you've been moping about you have sexy new coats to do it in. Saucier that way.

d said...

i'm hoping it's a combination of 2, 10, 15 and 18.

but i feel pretty strongly in my heart that it's really just number 20.

Kritkrat said...

Collar poppin' while watching Electric Boogaloo is one of my favorite excuses ever!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I want a shirt that says, "Because Paul Poon said so."

Let's get together again, and not at The Liar's Club, because I get too drunk and crazy there, and I want to catch up with my peeps.

RevRee said...

I'm glad you're back!

P.S. I was hoping my boobs were the reason for your absents...


Some Guy said...

The [Cherry] Ride rides again! Whee!

Mr. Shain said...

this is quite the come back. quite indeed.