Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yer Momma: [Cherry]-1 Recken-0

One of the reasons I love Recken is our shared belief that Yer Momma jokes are not only ripe for a comeback, but also appropriate for any occasion. When she and Kate came for a visit a few weeks ago, pretty much every conversation ended with Recken saying, "Yer Momma."

For example, I might share a deep personal revelation like the fact that I'm deeply concerned about the strange mole that's formed on my shoulder, and she'd reply with "Yer Momma."

It was very endearing.

The problem is that when the going gets tough, I'm not sure she's capable of bringing her A Game. Case in point, the following is a text message interaction we had this weekend:

Recken: "These are the best pants you've ever seen." (Ed. note: inside joke)
Me: "Yer momma."
Recken: "Yer momma's so fat she needs her own zip code."
Me: "Yer momma's so fat she heard it was chilly outside she ran and got herself a bowl."

As of this writing (a good 24 hours later), still no response from Recken.


carolyn says said...

oh snap! you totally face her

Mr. Shain said...

isn't it "yo mamma"?

5 of 9er said...

Yo mamma is so fat... when she wears a red dress all the kids on the block yell "Hey Kool-Aid!!!"

ReckenRoll said...

A) Technically, it's "Yo Mama" but I prefer "YER MAMA"
B) I got distracted by booze.

C) Yer mama so fat people jog around her for exercise

d) Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

Airam said...

Ha!!! Too funny!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

White Men Can't Jump has all the best momma jokes including:

Yo momma's teeth so yellow, she can butter a whole loaf of bread.


I saw your momma kickin' a can down the street. I said, "What you doin'?" She said, "Movin'."


I told your mom to act her age, and the bitch dropped dead.

Alannah said...

My daughter LOVES "yo mama" jokes except she punctuates every sentence with "yer mom." It's hilarious and surreal at the same time.

Mood Indigo said...

Your mama smells like wet chicken.