Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Got Yelled At...

... by my office building landlord this afternoon for having my window open, while the air conditioning was on. Seriously. He yelled at me.

Is the air conditioning really on? Because that would mean there would be cool air flowing through the building. Which there isn't. Hence the reason my window is open.

I'll make a deal with you, Mr. Douchebag Landlord: I'll stop opening the window when you decide to fix the air conditioning in this shanty office space.


classyandfancy said...

Whoa, does your office have paneling like that in the pic? Very nice.

Eternally Recovering said...

Swear to god, babe, you work in a concentration camp! Scary.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

At least you can open your windows. At every fucking cube farm where I've worked, the windows have always been sealed shut.

blythe said...

my friends and i have this thing we call the "lake effect" which is precisely enjoying simultaneous air conditioning and open window fresh airness. we especially enjoy it in the car. sometimes you just need both. sometimes i need to refrain from commenting.

5 of 9er said...

Such a rebel. You should open two windows today. :)

Michael5000 said...

Adults who scold other adults are just impossibly lame. May I suggest discretely pouring a small bottle of urine into the cushion of this guy's office chair? It won't really help anything, but you might find it satisfying.