Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"I'm more of an ABBA and Celine Dion fan"

Suburban Sydney park managers have decided to blast Barry Manilow music throughout the park after hours to deter loiterers from hanging around. "I don't know how I will cope" said a neighbor.

It could be worse -- wouldn't Celine Dion have been more effective?

Personally, I go into an ape-shit crazy frenzy to "Copacabana" -- if I could hear that nightly, my world would be a better place.

AND IN BREAKING NEWS: Media all over the country are publishing reports that it is hot. In July. It's hot every July, people. This shouldn't be news. Drink a Coolatta and focus on the more important issues: Bush said the word shit and some people heard it.


Anonymous said...

Poor Barry just does NOT get the respect he deserves :-(.

Anonymous said...

Well Rich...I can think of another female wannabe ex- Diva who would be even more effective....

Anonymous said...

Hello! If they want crowds to disperse, shouldn't they be playing Miss Manilow's eternal classic Bermuda Triangle?

I am at present loving many cutting edge Aussie bands. This week I am cutting a rug to The Wiggles and the legendary Hi5.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Bush has said a lot of things that no one has paid attention to. Namely, 535 elected legislators who rolled over and did their best dead cockroach impersonation when we decided to go to war with a country that didn't provoke us.

Oh well, I've turned my attention to other matters. Just who IS America's Top Model?

Anonymous said...

In Greece last week I heard a Copacobana club remix sung in Greek blasting from one of the beach bars trying to ATTRACT customers. Maybe it's a cultural thing?